Division 10
Caroline’s Communication
Here is my February Newsletter!
Inside you will find information about elections , my Spring Rally, and more.
Division 10 | February 2022 Newsletter (796 downloads )February 24, 2022
Caroline’s Communication
Here is my January Newsletter to update you on the upcoming year. DCON, My Spring Rally, International Convention, and upcoming elections are all mentioned!
Division 10 | January 2022 Newsletter (803 downloads )January 16, 2022
Caroline’s Communication
Here is my December Newsletter!
Dues, DCON, and Spring Rally are all mentioned in here. If you have any questions please be sure to email me!
December 21, 2021
Caroline’s Communication
Hello Division 10,
This is my November newsletter. Inside holds information about DCON, dues payments, and Upcoming elections.
Division 10 | November 2021 (604 downloads )November 11, 2021
Caroline’s Communication
Here is my October Newsletter!
Upcoming events and dates are listed. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Happy Halloween!!
Division 10 | October 2021 Newsletter (260 downloads )October 17, 2021