Kentucky-Tennessee District of Key Club International
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Division 08

Division 8 September 2024 Newsletter

Hey Division 8! I have some very exciting news for you all this month regarding Fall Rally and Officer Training, as well as some important reminders, and clarification about dues payment! Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions! I am available at or through Instagram.

Division 8 | September 2024 Newsletter (11 downloads )

September 10, 2024

Division 8 August 2024 Newsletter

Hey Division 8! This month my newsletter includes some important information about dues, officer training, and Fall Rally! Contact me anytime at for any additional information or assistance! Have a great month!

Division 8 | August 2024 Newsletter (20 downloads )

August 28, 2024

Division 8 June 2024 Newsletter

Hey Division 8! This is Georgia, your lieutenant governor, coming to you with a few simple reminders and some service ideas for those interested! Keep it up and stay serving your communities all summer long! Thank you all for your time!

Division 8 | July 2024 Newsletter (28 downloads )

July 19, 2024

Georgia’s Gist: June 2024

Hey Division 8! Hopefully you are all having a great summer and enjoying a break after the long school year! In this month’s newsletter I have a few reminders for you guys, as well as some ideas for how to stay active in your clubs this summer! As always, contact me at with any questions or concerns.


Division 8 | June 2024 Newsletter (22 downloads )

June 13, 2024

Division 8 May 2024 Newsletter

Hey K-T Division 8! This is the second volume of my newsletter for May. In it, I’ve included some information and reminders I wanted to share this month about service projects, International Convention, and continuing to collect club contacts.

It’s a quick read and I encourage you all to please check it out so you can stay up to date with K-T activities! Don’t hesitate to reach out to my email for any additional information or to ask questions about any of the contents of my letter!

Division 8 | May 2024 Newsletter (21 downloads )

May 7, 2024